Regulations for the MATRIZ Official Earned Point System

Regulations for the MATRIZ Official Earned Point System

1. General purpose of the point system

The main purpose of the point system is to provide incentives to the people who devote their time and effort to the activities related to developing TRIZ and MATRIZ Official.

The list of such activities is specified in paragraph # 2 “Earning points”.

2. Earning points

The list of activates, for which anyone can earn points, includes, but not limited by the following items:


Type of activities

Number of points earned


Organizing significant MO event (ITC, TMF, etc.) 



Conducting pre-conference tutorial



Developing and conducting MO webinar, workshop, etc.



Executing a long-term MO project, assigned by MO Board or President (e.g., Altshuller memoir book)

200-500 (at the discretion of MO Board)


Supervising Level 5 theses

up to 500


Serving as an official opponent for Level 5 defense



Participation in the session of TMCC for Level 5 defense



Supervising Level 4 application

up to 300


Participation in the session of Certification Committee for Level 4 defense



All members of MATRIZ Official
including members of the MO Board, the President, the Executive Director, Vice Presidents and Directors, Chairmen and Secretaries of various Committees, as well as any other registered members who are involved in the activities listed in the above table, may earn the indicated number of points. 

It is a privilege of the MO Board, the President, and the Chairmen of various Committees to assign a member to participate in the activities listed above. Final approval for the number of point earned should be made by the MO Board.

3. Spending points

A single point is equal to 1€ (one) Euro.

The points can be used within MATRIZ Official for the following fees:

  • Certification for Levels 1-5,
  • Accreditation by the Certification Committee,
  • Participation in annual conferences and other events organized by MATRIZ Official.

Any payment may be done by earned points or in combination with any other approved method of payment.

4. Transferring points

 Any number of earned points may be transferred to any MO member at the points’ holder discretion.