Information Letter for Registration for TMF 2024

Dear potential participants of TMF-2024,

The annual TRIZ Methodology Forum (TMF) is organized by MATRIZ Official and exclusively dedicated to advancing the TRIZ methodology. This year the virtual (online) event will span three consecutive days, September 19-21, 2024, featuring four hours of content daily.

The first two days will host a series of presentations focusing on the selected critical theme in TRIZ development – Value Driven Innovation. Each presenter will have a one-hour slot, with 40 minutes designated for the presentation and 20 minutes for a professional discussion (Q&A) session.

On the concluding day, participants competing for the title of TRIZ Master will present to the MO TRIZ Master Certification Committee (TMCC) their theses, showcasing their innovative contributions to TRIZ methodology, practical achievements in applying TRIZ to real-world problem-solving, or significant contributions to TRIZ education.

The TMF is open to everybody who possesses a Level 1 MATRIZ or MATRIZ Official certification.

Reagistration is over.

Best regards,

Simon Litvin, PhD, TRIZ Master
Victor Fey, TRIZ Master

Co-chairs of TMF 2024